Spend less than you make, and save the rest! Start to build an emergency fund or keep contributing to your existing one. When times are hard, it will ease your mind to know that you have some emergency money on hand in case something happens. If you are barely making it each month, then you need to reevaluate your big expenses. -Move to a less expensive home-Trade in your current vehicle, for a less-expensive, fuel efficient vehicle -Develop a financial plan, and stick with it-Have money deducted from your paycheck and put into a savings account
Step2Try to limit shopping. The less trips you make to the store, the less you spend in gas and everywhere else! -Try to shop at one store that will offer price matches, so you can limit unnecessary trips.-Avoid temptation by not looking at store circularsRemove yourself from email list that encourage pointless spending-Try to plan your meals for a week ahead, and clip coupons from online websites, and other places you find them
Step3Be creative everyday. Tap into your resourceful side by trying to give new light to things you already own. There are tons of things you already own, which all have hidden potential.-Swap services with neighbors and friends-Try bartering for things you need on website forums-Pair coupons with grocery store sales to get maximum savings-Make your own cleaning products, and grow your own vegetables and fruit, do your own repairs (within reason)-Participate in FREE activities
Step4Less is more. Occasionally, less is more. Think about removing some unnecessary things from your budget. -As an alternative to eating out, invite friends over for a potluck dinner-Get rid of cable, and read more books, check out DVDs from the library or watch shows online at hulu.com-Get rid of your landline phone, and just use your cell phone for everything-Tidy up the house, and get rid of things you do not need on Craigslist or ebay
Step5Give, give, and give some more. Lastly, be grateful for what you already have. Even in this current economic crisis, we are still the wealthiest country in the world. If you can contribute to the less fortunate, this is the perfect time to do it. If you cannot give monetarily, volunteer your time.-Help at a food pantry-Put together meals for families who have lost their jobs
Step2Try to limit shopping. The less trips you make to the store, the less you spend in gas and everywhere else! -Try to shop at one store that will offer price matches, so you can limit unnecessary trips.-Avoid temptation by not looking at store circularsRemove yourself from email list that encourage pointless spending-Try to plan your meals for a week ahead, and clip coupons from online websites, and other places you find them
Step3Be creative everyday. Tap into your resourceful side by trying to give new light to things you already own. There are tons of things you already own, which all have hidden potential.-Swap services with neighbors and friends-Try bartering for things you need on website forums-Pair coupons with grocery store sales to get maximum savings-Make your own cleaning products, and grow your own vegetables and fruit, do your own repairs (within reason)-Participate in FREE activities
Step4Less is more. Occasionally, less is more. Think about removing some unnecessary things from your budget. -As an alternative to eating out, invite friends over for a potluck dinner-Get rid of cable, and read more books, check out DVDs from the library or watch shows online at hulu.com-Get rid of your landline phone, and just use your cell phone for everything-Tidy up the house, and get rid of things you do not need on Craigslist or ebay
Step5Give, give, and give some more. Lastly, be grateful for what you already have. Even in this current economic crisis, we are still the wealthiest country in the world. If you can contribute to the less fortunate, this is the perfect time to do it. If you cannot give monetarily, volunteer your time.-Help at a food pantry-Put together meals for families who have lost their jobs
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