The Apostle Paul wrote of just such a time as exists in this nation today, a time when the people would be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, false accusers, uncontrollable, despisers of those that are good, traitors, and lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. In view of the fact that fifty million innocent babies have been murdered intentionally, which of course only highlights Paul’s offering of “being without natural affection.”
There does not exist a more apt description than this of the nature of the United States today, it is a nation that consists, collectively, of a people led away from God by divers lusts, it's an ever-learning acculturation of those who are never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. It is in fact a nation of people who resist the truth, an irreverent fellowship of men of corrupt mind and reprobate faith.
There does not exist a more apt description than this of the nature of the United States today, it is a nation that consists, collectively, of a people led away from God by divers lusts, it's an ever-learning acculturation of those who are never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. It is in fact a nation of people who resist the truth, an irreverent fellowship of men of corrupt mind and reprobate faith.
A Warning to Parents
An inimical indoctrination of the people of this nation begins in the public schools where the ungodly elements of communism, sexual perversion, deviancy, false doctrines and a rejection of Biblical tenants are instilled in young minds and taught as gospel by an autocracy of Marxist persuasion. An open-minded and healthy examination of social issues is disallowed and a narrow subjective and politically correct curriculum is rigidly enforced. The National Education Association (NEA) a radical, revolutionary, and powerful labor union, using the political clout that they purchase with the dues of their members, has eliminated the traditional approach to the training of young minds in the basics of education and concentrated on a radical program of mind control and brainwashing to shape the values - I should say lack of values - of America’s children.
Parents, if you think that you have any input in the way that public schools educate your children you need to put that thought out of your mind quickly. The majority of public school systems view your children as property of the state and therefore beyond your control. Moral relativism is promoted and ethical codes and morality based upon absolute standards is not a part of their satanic bible. If it feels good do it is their motto and their creed. You need to get your children out of the public schools and you need to do it now before anymore of our children are corrupted and led down criminal paths to the point that many additional millions of dollars have to be spent on correctional facilities to incarcerate the emotional cripples turned into the streets by the public schools.
America in Decline
The United States has crossed a great divide and is now on a dizzying slide downward through an ever-quickening succession of events, both of the cosmos and of man-made induction, which are driving this nation toward a now inevitable time of a complete and climactic destruction. Prayers from an apostate people for deliverance from catastrophic events current and future will not be heard, in the parlance of the Bible it is a time for sackcloth and ashes.
Those who believe that there is hope for a secular deliverance of this country from an increasingly inescapable terminal destiny at the hand of Almighty God or that the government or its leaders possess the answers to the nearly total social and spiritual unraveling of this commonwealth are barking up a wrong tree. Nowhere in the population of this nation or in the government or the institutions thereof exists a savior. Our Savior has come to this earth and gone and will return again, it is He that we should look to for deliverance. It is He who is the true Savior, and if the readers of this message have not accepted Him as such and taken advantage of His work upon the cross for the expiation of their sins past, present and future they most surely would do well to do so now.
My recent articles have been increasingly apocalyptic; I reject any thought that there is any hope that this country will be turned around by mortal men or by our terribly corrupt and fallible politicians. People, and those who extol their virtues, will do nothing other than hasten our fall.
I am grateful to those who carry my articles on their websites and pray for God’s blessings upon them. But, I know that there will come a time, and very soon, when my words will be blocked and censored. The prophets of old who were sent to deliver hard messages unto God’s people and to their kings and religious leaders were censored and imprisoned, and those who speak the truth today can expect the same circumstances as even now we see an unrighteous abridgement - by a seemingly fascistic government - of individual rights and liberties.
“When I say unto the wicked, Thou shall surely die; and thou gives him not warning, nor speaks to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at your hand.” (Ezekiel 3:18)
Clearly those in the ministry today who tickle the ears with new age doctrines - such as the goodness of man, a lack of evil, that man is divine and therefore can create his own spiritual destiny, or that Satan is an imaginary being and there are many roads to salvation - have not read the above scripture. And if they have and have rejected it, or any other of God’s truths, they will stand and give an account for every lost soul that was in their charge.
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